Trusted Advisor Selling
Transforming Sales Teams into Teams of Trusted Advisors
In the technological world in which we live in I believe we are losing our ability to sell .
As I work with sales teams I have noticed that we wait for the lead to arrive today rather than creating it .
Your advantage can be gained in an instant if you learn what makes an influential and persuasive sales person .
Trusted Advisor Selling processes aim to make sales people into strategic and tactical thinking Trusted Advisors .

- “The Strategic Thinker”
We work with you to take your thinking from operational selling into tactical and strategic thinking. - “The Value Creator”
Tired of being pushed on price all the time ? The Trusted Advisor Selling Model shows you how to add value to the client conversations so you can hold the margin the sale. - “The Dealmaker”
Learning the great art and theatre of the sale . How to engage the buyer , how to ask great questions that go deeper and how to drive agreement. - “The Rainmaker”
A key skill for the Trusted Advisor is the ability to create rain – to produce more opportunities and to convert the prospect to a sale. We teach a number of methods to achieve more qualified opportunities in your selling efforts. - “The Trust Philosophy”
Our ability to understand the role trust plays in converting business , in generating new opportunities and going deeper with client relationships.
The Trusted Advisor Selling Method is core to our philosophy in all of our programs for Sales Professionals:
Trusted Advisor Selling Workshops
The FrIday School of Sales Program
Trusted Advisor 1 – 1 Mentoring
Trusted Advisor In-house Sales Programs